Saturday, February 2, 2013

She's Just...

The quote:
"Ignore her, she's just my kid."

The back story:
If you reference earlier posts it's obvious that I was an opinionated little shit when I was a child, truth be told I still am, I own this fact. I used to be a lot more outspoken with those opinions, invariably upsetting someone. My Mama's response was always the same, "ignore her, she's just my kid." This translates to "yes, she is shooting off her mouth and I am aware that it is offensive, but God so help me if you think of having a problem with that because she is my child and I will hurt you." You don't get that from the quote, but you get it when she lets into whoever it is that has taken it upon themselves to put me in my place. She's ferocious, she's my Mama, and God knows I love her for it.

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