Monday, February 11, 2013

Roller Skating Whore

The quote:
"Are you a lady or are you a roller skating whore?"

The back story:
When I was a teenager I used to complain to Mama when a boy didn't text me or call me back right away. I had always been taught that a girl never calls or texts first and once I had mastered the patience to wait to have a boy reach out I didn't have much more wait in me. The first time she got irritated with my worrying over my phone my Mama told me she was just going to buy me a pair of roller skates and a net so that I could chase after boys more efficiently  She also told me only whores chase boys, so I'd be a roller skate wearing, net wielding whore, but I'd still be her daughter. It was so ridiculously embarrassing, she loved it. Now, every time I start to worry about a boy not calling or second guess myself she just looks at me and says "stop being a roller skating whore." She's so supportive. That's my Mama.

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